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The Art of Giving

“If you knew, as I do, the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing some of it.” – Gautama Buddha

Giving is one of life’s greatest gifts. Not only does giving create joy and uplift those around us, it’s also proven to be one of the best ways to boost our own health and happiness.

The act of giving brings us powerful physical and psychological benefits. Helping others is shown to improve our sense of social connection, and activate the brain’s pleasure centre. When we give, our bodies release feel-good chemicals including oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, helping to counter the effects of the stress hormone cortisol and naturally boost our mood. Giving is also linked to reduced anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure and a longer lifespan.

Finding a healthy balance

Learning to give and also to receive in a balanced way is vital for our wellbeing. Giving and receiving are complementary aspects of life’s natural interdependence. We need both, in equal measure. Yet often, we tend more easily towards one or the other. One of the best ways we can enjoy greater health is by understanding these tendencies and redressing the balance, allowing ourselves to focus more on receiving if we have been over-giving, and vice versa. In doing so, we open ourselves to the healthy flow of life and can enjoy the benefits of both giving and receiving.

The joy of giving

So, what does healthy giving look like? Essentially, it’s all about giving from a place that is authentic, heartfelt and in integrity with ourselves. By respecting and taking care of our own needs, as well as those of others, we can give in a way that is truly sustainable – and this in turn has the greatest impact on others.

Tune into what feels good to you. Whether it’s a random act of kindness, supporting a cause, helping a friend, or even just giving a smile to someone, giving in a healthy way is all about what comes from the heart. Acting in alignment with this is the best way to give, and a powerful means to truly uplift mind, body and soul.

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