Constant activity has become part of our daily lives. Movement, production and creative output shape our world, bringing many exciting visions to life and providing us with great purpose and value.
Yet just as nature moves in endless cycles of rise and fall, we too must take time to nurture our inner stillness. To let go from time to time of all the doing and turn our attention to simply being.
The recent lockdown brought with it a chance to stop and reassess how we live. Stepping back from our routines, we could see more clearly the many ways we can get caught up in the fast pace that surrounds us. And as the world opens up again and begins to regain momentum, it is important for us not to forget the need every so often to pause and draw inwards.
In doing so, we honour the natural rhythms that are a vital part of our being. For like the trees that shed their leaves with the changing seasons, or the flower petals that curl softly in at night, we must also release the external world now and then in order to replenish.
In this inner space, we can attune once more to our breath, our bodies, and the pulse of life that dances beneath the surface of conscious thought. We step out of the roles, identities and stories of the outer world and shift into pure presence. Here, we can breathe ourselves full and find our centre once again, resourcing ourselves to meet the demands of the external world in graceful alignment and with full capacity.
So take a moment. Come inwards, rest in stillness and breathe into the deepest ground of your being. Dive into the beauty of your inner landscape. Be the peace, the presence. And then from this place, rise up and outwards once again, blossoming into connection with the outside world. Yet this time with greater ease, deeper strength and full awareness of the infinite potential you hold within you to make this world a brighter place.