What does it mean to say yes? Sometimes it’s a move towards something. Other times a moment of surrender. ‘Yes’ can be complex, subtle, multifaceted.
Usually though, saying yes is an opening. A doorway into something new. Saying yes to what is means opening fully to the present moment and all that it holds.
This isn’t always comfortable. Alongside light and joy, the present moment can be filled with challenges and things we’d rather not face. As a result, we often run from it. This may be through ignoring and blocking things out, or by grasping at other things we deem more pleasurable. In doing so, we end up fighting against our own experience.
But there is another way.
Embracing the present moment
When we say yes to what is, we embrace all that the present moment contains. This doesn’t necessarily mean liking what we find. Instead, it means becoming fully aware and simply being with what is present, without denial or judgement.
This frees the energy we otherwise waste on resistance, which is the source of so much of our suffering. It enables us to see more clearly what is in our capacity to control and change – and also what isn’t. From here we can take action where needed, set limits where necessary, yet avoid unnecessary struggling. We move with the flow of our existence, rather than against it.
The power of saying yes
Saying yes to what is requires both rendition and action. It is an acceptance of the present in all its fullness, a letting go of delusions to be with what is. At the same time, it is a strong, affirmative act – a commitment to meeting that present moment with all of our awareness and capacity.
This simple action contains profound grace and power. It helps us to respond more peacefully and effectively to what is happening inside and around us. And it reminds us that we are not just observers of our lives. Our attitude and how we show up impact everything around us. By saying yes to what is, we cultivate a richer, more alive relationship to every aspect of our experience. In doing so, we discover the gifts and lessons that each moment holds, enabling possibilities to unfold and wider horizons to emerge.
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